10GM - A joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester


Dawn Yates-Obé
Dawn Yates-Obé
Alison Page
Alison Page
Liz Windsor-Welsh
Liz Windsor-Welsh
Mike Wild
Mike Wild

Staff Team

Kat Pursall
Katya Pursall (she/her)
Strategic Lead at 10GM

Kat is responsible for leading on the following VCSE strands of work: GM Moving, Changing Futures and various food (poverty) initiatives across Greater Manchester.

At 10GM, Kat can help you to connect and facilitate collaborations with a broad variety of partners across sectors; support you to engage communities effectively and creatively; nourish and strengthen community leadership; amplify the voice of lived experience.

Kat is passionate about championing the value and strategic significance of the VCSE sector as an equal partner and the crucial role it plays in improving the quality of life of people who live, work and play across the city region.

Susie Wright
Susie Wright (she/her)
#MyNameIs [Soo-zee]
Strategic Lead at 10GM

Susie is responsible for a range of strategic programmes that focus on health, social care, and the VCSE Accord.

At 10GM, Susie can help you to make links with our Local Infrastructure Organisations; find out more about the VCSE Accord, and Greater Manchester Public Health, Integrated Care and wider Health and Social Care priorities and opportunities to get involved; and she can also provide advice on project, programme and change management.

Susie is passionate about improving local services and removing barriers to inclusion and access.

Courtney Lambert
Courtney Lambert (she/her)
Communications Manager at 10GM

Courtney is responsible for leading 10GM’s internal and external communications to expand our online presence and to evolve our communications to focus on key stories about 10GM, the value and impact of local infrastructure, and our work.

At 10GM, Courtney can help you share your message with Local VCSE Infrastructure Organisations and their Greater Manchester partners and answer queries about 10GM operations.

Courtney is passionate about improving efficiencies – working smarter, so that time and money can be spent where it’s needed most. Having worked for humanitarian organisations, Courtney is passionate about campaigns that tackle inequalities and encourage social investment.

Emma Ansell-Meehan
Emma Ansell-Meehan (she/her)
#MyNameIs [Em-mah]
Strategic Lead (Population Health)

At 10GM, Emma can help you with finding out more about, and influencing the development of the Greater Manchester Population Health system and mobilising new programmes of work related to Population Health and the VCSE sector. She can give advice on integrating the VCSE sector within local population health priorities including co-design of programmes, and developing shared decision-making that involves local communities, communities of identity and people with lived experience.

Emma is passionate about addressing deep-rooted health inequalities, and ensuring that people with lived experience are part of local decision-making.

Find out more about our Population Health work.

Kirsty Rowlinson-Groves
Kirsty Rowlinson-Groves (she/her) – on maternity leave until January 2025
#MyNameIs [Keer-stee]
Strategic Lead (Cancer and Inequalities) at 10GM

Kirsty is working with GM Cancer to achieve a permanent reduction in inequalities within cancer incidence rates and outcomes and improve equity in access and experience of cancer care for all people affected by cancer within GM. Kirsty will be ensuring active VCSE participation and parity in strategic work to enhance equality, equity and well-being.

At 10GM, Kirsty can help you connect and facilitate collaborations with the VCSE sector, give advice on integrating the VCSE sector within cancer care and support the development of shared-decision making with local communities, communities of identity and people with lived experience.

Kirsty is passionate about addressing the deep-rooted inequalities that currently exist in the cancer system and ensuring that the VCSE sector becomes an equal partner and plays a crucial role in addressing these inequalities through partnerships, co-design, collaboration and shared decision-making.

Tom Dickson
Tom Dickson (he/him)
Finance and Systems Manager at 10GM

Tom is responsible for leading and developing the financial systems and processes of 10GM. He is also responsible for managing the day-to-day finances.

At 10GM, Tom can help you with any finance queries you might have, and answer any questions about his role.

Tom is passionate about understanding how things work and why. He is fascinated by data and tech, and how it can be used to solve social problems.

Keisha Tomlinson
Keisha Tomlinson (she/her)
#MyNameIs [Key-sha]
Project Manager at 10GM 

Keisha supports strategic programmes including UKSPF and the VCSE Accord focusing on locality infrastructure development and commissioning. Keisha is also leading on 10GM’s internal equality, diversity and inclusion work and climate action plans.

At 10GM, Keisha can help you connect with Local Infrastructure Organisations, and to UKSPF and VCSE Accord work across Greater Manchester.

Keisha is passionate about showcasing and strengthening the VCSE sector as well as ensuring inclusive practice across the sector.

Laura Hamilton
Laura Hamilton (she/her)
#MyNameIs [Lorr-ah]
Project Manager at 10GM

Laura is responsible for coordinating the learning elements of 10GM’s workforce development, which aims to increase capability, diversity and well-being within the VCSE workforce in Greater Manchester.

At 10GM, Laura can help you to input into and shape our learning offer – whether that’s through helping us understand more about the learning needs you have identified, sharing approaches to workforce development that have worked well for your group/organisation, or helping you tell your story more widely within the sector.

Laura has spent the majority of her working life in the VCSE sector and has worked on a range of projects, often focused on volunteering and community engagement. She particularly loves training design and facilitation and bringing people together to have great conversations and build relationships.

Sarah Hudson
Sarah Hudson (she/her)
#MyNameIs [Sair-ah]
Project Manager (Population Health) at 10GM

Sarah is responsible for maintaining day-to-day oversight of Population Health projects and delivering these through consultation, facilitation, engagement and development. This includes reviewing and improving VCSE participation in NHS-led Population Health work.

At 10GM, Sarah can help you connect with our Population Health projects and programmes, such as our work to improve the use of data and intelligence in the VCSE sector. Sarah can also offer advice on embedding the VCSE sector in Population Health-focused projects at a locality and Greater Manchester level.

Sarah is passionate about proactively addressing and tackling deep-rooted health inequalities, empowering voices of lived experience, and ensuring that the VCSE sector can play a key role in addressing these inequalities through partnerships, co-design, collaborative working, and shared decision-making.

Raj Cheema
Raj Cheema (she/her)
#MyNameIs [Ra-j Chee-ma]
Programme Lead (Social Economy) at 10GM

Raj is responsible for leading the Social Economy programme, which is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (E26). She works with the Local Infrastructure Organisations across Greater Manchester to deliver support for social entrepreneurs and social purpose organisations.

At 10GM, Raj will support the delivery of Locality Action Plans, ensure multi-stakeholder engagement and progress, and collaboratively support the work of our digital partners, Cooperatives UK.

Raj is passionate about engaging local communities and championing the voices of people with lived and learned experiences to respond to social challenges. Her previous work has largely involved working with and within the VCSE sector.

Hannah Stirzaker
Hannah Stirzaker (she/her)
#MyNameIs [Han-nah]
Strategic Lead (Cancer and Inequalities) at 10GM

Hannah is working with GM Cancer to achieve a permanent reduction in inequalities within cancer incidence rates and outcomes and improve equity in access and experience of cancer care for all people affected by cancer within GM. Hannah will ensure active VCSE participation and parity in strategic work to enhance equality, equity and well-being.

At 10GM, Hannah can help you connect and facilitate collaborations with the VCSE sector, advise on integrating the VCSE sector within cancer care and support the development of shared decision-making with local communities, communities of identity and people with lived experience.

Hannah is passionate about people, and addressing the inequalities people experience in healthcare, especially those experienced in the cancer system, and is determined to ensure that the VCSE sector furthers its role in addressing these inequalities.

Franky Procter
Franky Procter (she/her)
#MyNameIs [Frran-key]
Project Manager at the Alternative Provider Collaborative (APC)

Franky is responsible for the establishment, development and expansion of The APC along with the management of the membership process. She works closely with social enterprises and charitable providers of NHS services to ensure they are also supported to develop and grow.

Franky is passionate about social justice and is committed to eradicating unwarranted variation in health outcomes in GM.

Learn more about the APC.

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