10GM - A joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester

Funded by GM Moving, small grants of up to £2,000 and medium grants of up to £5,000 are available through 10GM to support activities that encourage people who are usually less active to start or increase the amount they regularly walk in winter 2024-2025.

All projects must encourage people who are usually less active or inactive to increase the amount they walk or wheel regularly. To achieve this goal, both the small and medium grant funds have specific criteria that must be met. Applications received after the deadlines will not be considered.

There are many ways your organisation could do this, for example by supporting people to take part in walking and wheeling groups; by working with schools, faith centres or workplaces to encourage active travel; or by recruiting and training Walking and Wheeling Champions to encourage people in the community to walk or wheel regularly.

The fund is particularly interested in supporting organisations and projects that link into the wider health and care system in their area such as a local GP practice or family centre. In the last round of the fund a Mum’s walking group linked in with their local Sure Start Centre, midwifery team and health visitors to promote their walks, which resulted in staff referring new parents to the group.

We understand that, due to recent events, some people may feel worried about walking or wheeling in public spaces. If this applies to the people you work with, we welcome your creative ideas to support people to walk or wheel regularly; for example, by offering ‘non-traditional’ walking activities such as walking within the grounds of a community venue or utilising treadmills in a gym. In a previous round of the fund, one group even delivered walking sessions in a swimming pool! Or, perhaps there are other opportunities to help people feel safe, for example, partnering with another organisation to increase the size of a walking or wheeling group or to provide access to a wider pool of volunteers to support walks.

Small Grants

The GMWWF will close to applications for small grants at 12pm (midday) on Friday 18 October 2024.

Decisions are expected within 4-6 weeks of applying.

Successful organisations will have until the end of March 2025 to spend their grant.

Medium Grants

The GMWWF closed for applications for medium grants at 12pm (midday) on Monday 7 October 2024.

Decisions are expected within 4-6 weeks of applying.

Successful organisations will have until the end of March 2025 to spend their grant.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions of the GM Walking and Wheeling Fund are available.

Please read this document thoroughly and ensure your board or management committee agrees to proceed with the application.

Frequently asked questions

Is the funding available for existing walking groups?

Yes, you will just need to evidence how you are encouraging new people who are inactive or less active to walk more.

Is the fund okay for organisations that were constituted less than two years ago?

Yes, it doesn’t matter how long you have been constituted for you just need to be a constituted voluntary, community or social enterprise (VCSE) in Greater Manchester or for Greater Manchester residents. You will need to have a minimum of 3 directors and an asset lock with a specified organisation name if you are a CIC. Companies limited by guarantee will need a minimum of three directors, and within their Articles of Association a statement about their purpose and social impact, a not for profit clause, a director remuneration clause as well as a clause stating that assets will be distributed to another not-for-profit organisation fulfilling similar objects if they dissolve.

We deliver projects within Greater Manchester but we aren’t based there, are we eligible to apply?

Yes, although your project will need to be in Greater Manchester for Greater Manchester residents.

Can we use the grant for travel costs to take people to different areas for walks and hikes?

Decisions will be taken on case-by-case basis. The priority of this grant is to encourage people who are statistically more likely to be less active or inactive to engage with walking; therefore, applicants will need to make a compelling case as to why transport costs to support the walking project are required. Value for money will be considered for any such requests.

Does the grant support existing work or is it for new projects only?

It can support existing work as long as you will use the funding to encourage new people who are inactive or less active to get out walking.

Is there a minimum participant number for projects?

No, however the panel will want to see value for money. This doesn’t mean your project needs to be for a large group of people and if you know the community group you are working with will only engage with walking in a small group then that is fine but you should clearly evidence the reasoning behind your beneficiary number in your application form. Do not assume the panel know the reasons behind anything you are planning.

Can the project encourage people to walk on their own?


What are the expectations of the project having links with the health and care system?

The panel would like to see how your activity and walks are taking potential pressures off health and care systems. An example of this is you are providing a walking group for people who have diabetes or for women who are breastfeeding and during the group you offer breastfeeding support. You could also take more of a practical approach and start walks at your local GP or advertise your walks at your local GP or Gateway; etc.

Is the eligibility different for the two different types of grants?


The GM Walking Fund 2022-2023

We have published our grants data in the 360Giving Data Standard so that we are as open and transparent as possible about what we are funding.

Using the 360Giving Data Standard, our GM Walking Fund grants are available as an Excel spreadsheet. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to be used and shared as they wish. The data must be attributed to 10GM.

You can download the data here.

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