10GM - A joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester

About 10GM

10GM is a joint venture to support the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in Greater Manchester. When we talk about the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester, we mean voluntary organisations, community groups, the community work of faith groups, and those social enterprises where profits will be reinvested in their social purpose.

The founding members of 10GM are Action Together, Bolton CVS, Macc, and Salford CVS. 10GM is a company jointly owned by these bodies, run on cooperative principles locked into our governance by a Collaboration Agreement and with the CEO of each partner as a Director of the company. The partners work strategically and collaboratively with a shared purpose to champion local voluntary and community action and social enterprise across the city region to improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of Greater Manchester’s people and communities. 

10GM is supported by a central team and has close working relationships with Local VCSE Infrastructure Organisations (LIOs) in all the boroughs of Greater Manchester. We deliver a wide range of collaborative projects and activities rooted in place through LIOs and connect them at a GM level. As well as our vast collective network of VCSE connections across GM, we have strong relationships with colleagues in the GM Integrated Care Partnership, the GM Combined Authority, and the Mayor’s office. We have a longstanding record of collaborative work with GM Moving, including developing local pilots and engagement activities to reach the diverse communities of Greater Manchester.

What all of us have in common is our passion for working with communities to bring about real change, facilitating work with leaders at all levels through real, diverse collaboration. To do this we work with integrity, creating partnerships that are also communities of practice and support networks—being honest and constructive when things are not working. We don’t gloss over failures but learn from them as we go. We encourage brave leadership and intelligent experimentation. All of us have variations of words and phrases to describe the purpose beliefs and values which drive us yet they come down to the same basics: a belief in communities, a commitment to ending inequity and a relentless optimism that we can make life in Greater Manchester better for all.

Read more about our current work.

10GM operates to cooperative principles and is established as a company limited by guarantee owned by the members. Its purposes are:

To foster social action for the purposes of empowering communities throughout Greater Manchester and its environs.

To strengthen local infrastructure that supports communities, charities and similar organisations through facilitating collaborations.

To champion local infrastructure and local communities to bodies concerned with Greater Manchester and its environs.

These are supplemented by our aspirations and values which relate to improving:


Increasing the effectiveness of the VCSE sector in building equality and reducing inequality across the communities of Greater Manchester.


Equipping people and organisations within the VCSE sector to demonstrate and increase the impact on the lives of people who live, work, and study in Greater Manchester.


Support a strong independent voice for the VCSE sector which can shape key areas of policy and decision making.


Enhance communication and collaboration within the VCSE sector and with public, private, and academic VCSE sector partners.


Increase the quality, sustainability, and ingenuity of support to the VCSE sector in all boroughs of Greater Manchester.

And to increase:


Mutual support, sharing insight, knowledge and exploring together.


Equipping people and organisations within the VCSE sector to demonstrate and increase the impact on the lives of people who live, work, and study in Greater Manchester.


Support a strong independent voice for the VCSE sector which can shape key areas of policy and decision making.


Showing the benefits of a strong, place-shaping role in localities and helping to develop solutions for local VCSE sector support in all 10 boroughs of Greater Manchester.

10GM’s Activity Reports

In these reports, you’ll find out more about our purpose and aims, learn about the wide diversity of our work, and read highlights of some of the initiatives we’ve been involved with.

Working with local voluntary, community & social enterprise (VCSE) organisations is at the very heart of what we do.

We’re committed to representing and strengthening the sector to the ultimate benefit of everyone living in Greater Manchester.

Content last reviewed on 28 September 2024
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