10GM - A joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester

Locality Engagement and Infrastructure: Creating and Sustaining the VCSE Ecosystem

10GM leads the work on the locality ecosystem and infrastructure within the Accord. The aim of this work is to develop the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE) ecosystem by growing VCSE infrastructure capacity and ‘scaffolding’ for the involvement of communities of identity, experience and place in each of the ten districts of Greater Manchester by developing communications and collaboration between Local Infrastructure Organisations and system stakeholders at Greater Manchester-level. 

Priorities for 2023-2026

Our priorities for 2023-2026 are to work together with Greater Manchester's Local VCSE Infrastructure Organisations (LIOs) to address common issues faced by VCSE organisations across Greater Manchester (GM). We'll connect both locality and GM insight at a strategic level, to influence Greater Manchester and local plans and activity. 

To achieve this, 10GM provides project support to collaborative GM projects such as the community-led initiatives for Violence Reduction and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund; and supports LIOs to connect with other Greater Manchester Networks, such as the GM Equality Alliance. 

We will continue to facilitate monthly meetings of the Greater Manchester Local VCSE Infrastructure Organisations to:


Collaborate on GM level projects


Share information across GM VCSE local infrastructure providers 


Generate insight to influence Greater Manchester strategy and plans 


Generate shared funding bids to secure additional resources for VCSE local infrastructure 


Provide peer support and swap, shop and share good practice 


Work on VCSE infrastructure development, which is closely aligned with the GM Infrastructure Development Programme.

The GM VCSE Local Infrastructure Organisation Network

Greater Manchester has a network of Local VCSE Infrastructure Organisations which operate in each of the ten localities

The GM VCSE Local Infrastructure Organisation Network Meeting
The LIO Network meeting takes place on a monthly basis, facilitated by 10GM. Its membership consists of the senior leaders from each Local Infrastructure Organisation in Greater Manchester (or alternative). Each month, the group identify key topics to discuss and collaborate on. The Chair rotates across the members each month.

Most recently, the VCSE Local Infrastructure Organisation Network have explored subjects such as:


Developing workstreams from the GM Integrated Care Partnership, such as the People & Communities Engagement Framework and the Children’s Healthy Weight Consultation.


How we can re-shape existing Local Infrastructure Organisation collaboration/meeting spaces to better manage LIO shared business.


How we can develop a collaborative approach between LIOs and The Greater Manchester Combined Authority to address the cost of living crisis and how we can highlight the VCSE sector's role to senior GM leaders and commissioners.


Partner updates, such as the Alternative Provider Collaborative and the Violence Reduction Unit.


The future of funding for VCSE Hospital Discharge Schemes.


Feedback on the Education, Skills & Work community grants programme and related initiatives.


Exploring future opportunities for the Community-Led Approach to violence reduction.

Find out more about the activity of the Network:

GM VCSE Accord Ecosystem: Local Infrastructure Activity 2023-24

VCSE Local Infrastructure plays a crucial role in delivering against the GM VCSE Accord commitment to “Build the best VCSE Ecosystem in the country”.

This report outlines the vital leadership and delivery role played by he VCSE Local Infrastructure Organisations between April 2023 and March 2024 and the impact seen

GM VCSE Local Infrastructure Cost of Living Response Update, February 2024

VCSE Local Infrastructure is playing a crucial role in responding to the cost of living crisis in Greater Manchester, through the distribution of grants, provision of information, hosting of events, engaging with the community, provision of Warm Spaces, and a host of other activity.

This briefing outlines the vital leadership and delivery role played by the VCSE Local Infrastructure Organisations, the shared challenges in delivering this work, and key messages for the wider system.

Greater Manchester VCSE  Localities Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Activity​ ​ Highlights​

Greater Manchester VCSE Localities Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Activity​ Highlights: June 2023

You can view a summary of of the VCSE equalities work being undertaken in localities, identified by Local VCSE Infrastructure Organisations.​

The information was collated in June 2023, with contributions sought from each of the ten Greater Manchester Local VCSE Infrastructure Organisations (or alternative)​.

Get involved

To find out more about this work or get involved, contact Susie Wright (Strategic Lead at 10GM).

Page last reviewed: 10 May 2024

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