10GM - A joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester

GM VCSE Accord

The GM VCSE Accord Agreement is a three-way collaboration agreement between the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and the GM VCSE sector.

10GM coordinates locality engagement, supports the GM Commissioning Framework and manages the development of the Alternative Provider Federation.

Find out more about the Accord.

GM VCSE Leadership Group

The GM VCSE Leadership Group acts as the VCSE sector’s voice at a Greater Manchester level. This includes sharing information and opportunities, promoting positive change and collaboration within the VCSE sector, and creating a social movement for change that empowers the communities of Greater Manchester.

10GM ensures that local voices are represented and able to shape the Leadership Group’s work.

Find out more about the GM VCSE Leadership Group.

Changing Futures

Changing Futures is a Greater Manchester programme, led by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), and working in partnership with 10GM, and other organisations across the VCSE and statutory sector, to improve the way that local systems and services work for adults experiencing multiple disadvantage.

10GM supports the work by strengthening partnerships, collaborations and existing initiatives, and cultivating the spaces for all localities in Greater Manchester to address multiple disadvantage collaboratively, and with a whole system mindset.

Find out more about Changing Futures.

GM VCSE Sanctuary Seekers Response Group: Afghanistan and Ukrainian Crisis Response

Greater Manchester has a proud history of welcoming people seeking sanctuary across the city region. Charities, community groups, faith organisations and social enterprises across Greater Manchester are committed to taking a collaborative approach to supporting all those fleeing persecution and adversely affected by their immigration status.

We aim to provide ongoing support, resources, and information to arrivals, hosts and organisations across GM.

Find out more about the GM VCSE Sanctuary Seekers Response Group.

Cancer and Inequalities

10GM is working with GM Cancer to achieve a permanent reduction in inequalities and inequity within Greater Manchester, addressing the social, environmental, and economic determinants of health and wellbeing, with the aim to ensure active VCSE participation and parity in strategic work to enhance equality, equity and wellbeing.

Find out more about this work.

GM Moving

Greater Manchester Moving is GM’s social movement for movement – everyone working together to positively change the lives of people across Greater Manchester through sport, physical activity or quite simply moving more.

10GM’s role is to embed effective and meaningful engagement with communities and VCSE partners to accelerate system change and community leadership. 10GM will also be leading the next phase of GM Moving’s systems leadership approach.

Find out more about our work with GM Moving.

GM ICP People and Communities Engagement Strategy

We’re working with our colleagues at the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership on a model for strengthening communities through greater participation in decision-making in health and care.

GMCA Inspire Fund

We’re working with GMCA to provide grants of up to £2000 to freelance and independent artists, and small organisations to support the regrowth and strengthening of the creative sector in Greater Manchester.

The GMCA Inspire Fund is managed by Salford CVS, on behalf of 10GM.

Find out more about this work.

GM Equalities Alliance

GM Equalities Alliance (GM=EqAL) connects communities to policymakers to use the expertise of grassroots groups and equality organisations to create a fairer society. 10GM participates in GM=EqAl Working Group meetings to support the linking of their important work to the VCSE local infrastructure organisations across GM.

Find out more about GM=EqAl.

GM Walking and Wheeling Grants

We’ve worked with GM Walking to get grants to VCSE groups to encourage people who are usually less active to increase the amount they walk or wheel in winter. Grants fund groups to work with communities to embed walking into the daily routine of Greater Manchester’s residents.

This grant is managed by Salford CVS, on behalf of 10GM.

Find out more about the fund.

GM Alternative Provider Collaborative

The Alternative Provider Collaborative (APC) is a partnership of social enterprises and charitable organisations that deliver NHS services across Greater Manchester.

It works together creatively to tackle health inequalities in the city region. While Greater Manchester has a strong VCSE sector providing a range of NHS and Public Health services in localities, many struggle to scale up across Greater Manchester and to integrate within the wider NHS ecosystem. The APC brings these organisations together and provides an infrastructure to enable them to engage with the newly formed Greater Manchester Integrated Care System (ICS).

Find out more about the APC.

Our Business: Supporting the Social Economy Programme

Funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (E26), and working with Cooperatives UK, 10GM is supporting Greater Manchester’s growing social economy organisations to deliver an alternative way of doing business in Greater Manchester.

Working with LIOs across GM, we’ll offer bespoke specialist support to social economy organisations such as cooperatives, social enterprises, community businesses and registered charities. GM’s LIOs have a deep understanding of the complexity of the Greater Manchester social ecosystem and have the specific knowledge and experience needed to support this sector.

Population Health and Health Inequalities

10GM is working with partners from Population Health, Primary Care Networks and the wider VCSE sector to find innovative ways of tackling health inequalities. Part of this involves supporting the work of the VCSE Population Health subgroup of the Leadership Group; linking wider VCSE sector colleagues into the VCSE sector at the Fairer Health For All programme, and engaging in the Live Well programme.

We support the work of the Core20Plus5 national pilot in Greater Manchester and are established Test and Learn Sites to explore how the VCSE sector and GPs can build lasting relationships that help them work together to tackle health inequality.

Find out more about our Population Health work.

Commissioning and Investment

10GM supports the work of the VCSE Commissioning Group, which is a formal sub-group of the GM VCSE Leadership Group. It aims to work in partnership and collaboration with cross-sector colleagues to support the delivery of the VCSE Commissioning Framework, by driving forward the Commissioning and Investment ambitions of the Accord, and also being responsive to current events.

Find out more about Commissioning and Investment.

Locality Engagement and Infrastructure

10GM leads the work on locality engagement and infrastructure within the Accord. We facilitate monthly meetings of the Greater Manchester VCSE Local Infrastructure Organisations which enables collaboration on GM level projects, joint influencing of GM agendas, peer support, and information sharing. We also provide project support to GM collaboration projects, and manage the allocation of Accord Locality Engagement funding.

GM Violence Reduction Unit

Our work with The GMCA Violence Reduction Unit develops place-based responses to violence affecting young people. This work is coproduced with communities and acts on their challenges and ideas.

More details on this work can be found here.

This work is delivered by Bolton CVS, on behalf of 10GM.

Answer Cancer

Answer Cancer is a partnership working to improve cancer awareness and increase the uptake of cancer screening across Greater Manchester. We do so via grants, delivering cancer screening awareness sessions, supporting a network of Cancer Champions, and providing training.

Find out more about Answer Cancer.

Answer Cancer is delivered by Salford CVS, on behalf of 10GM.

Achieve Recovery

We’re working with Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and a wider partnership to support people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction through the Achieve Recovery project. Achieve Recovery has made small awards to assist individual people and grants for VCSE organisations to deliver local projects in Salford and Trafford.

To help support the recovery community, Achieve workers, and their clients, Salford CVS have created a directory with information on 2023-24 funded organisations, the activities they are providing, and contact details of key contacts.

Find out more about Achieve Recovery.

This project is managed by Salford CVS, on behalf of 10GM.

UKSPF E11 – VCSE Infrastructure Development Programme

The E11 VCSE Infrastructure Development Programme is anticipated to run over the period of 2022 – 2025 and aims to build up Greater Manchester’s VCSE infrastructure capacity and capability in each borough, identifying and addressing gaps, and sharing good practice. Find out more about the programme.

This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

VCSE Workforce Development Programme

75,610 paid staff work alongside 496,609 volunteers in Greater Manchester’s VCSE organisations. Most of these organisations face workforce challenges. Collaborating with our VCSE colleagues, we are developing the capacity, capability and employment standards across the paid and voluntary VCSE workforce in Greater Manchester.

Find out more about the programme.

Get in touch

If you’d like to find out more about 10GM’s work, or you’d like to get involved in our work.

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