10GM - A joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester
Resources for Arrivals

> Campaigning information for individuals and organisations


Together With Refugees
A coalition of organisations that believe in a more compassionate approach to refugees. You can support their campaign in a range of ways.

Join the Together With Refugees coalition (organisations only) for a kinder, fairer and more effective approach to supporting refugees in the UK. 


Fight the Anti Refugee Laws
Campaigning and pledging to a compassionate approach that welcomes and supports refugees.


NFP Research’s Into the Corridors of Power
How charities campaign for change in Westminster is a useful blog for charities to start campaigning


Asylum Matters
Asylum Matters have published their article on What would the #AntiRefugeeLaws have meant for you? To explain what the #AntiRefugeeLaws would have meant for them if the laws had been in force when they came to the UK - and why we must fight these laws.


Free Movement
Free Movement has published a breakdown of the new statement of changes to the Immigration Rules: HC 17 (Borders Act) - these changes will come into force on 28 June 2022.

Page last reviewed: 13 September 2022

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