10GM - A joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester

VCSE Data and Intelligence Project

From August 2023-March 2024, 10GM partnered with Data Orchard CIC to research and understand the state of data and intelligence in the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester. The project's purpose was to understand the current state of data maturity, explore challenges and barriers, and identify opportunities and actions for advancing data capabilities in the Greater Manchester VCSE sector. This work was funded and supported by NHS Greater Manchester Population Health. We explored how the sector is doing currently, listened to existing challenges and needs around data, and planned future support and resources that will support identified needs.

A graphic of a laptop with charts on it

Join our VCSE Data and Intelligence Peer Learning Network

Join our new Peer Learning Network for VCSE sector data professionals in Greater Manchester to connect, share best practices, and develop skills. The network aims to inspire improved data approaches and foster a supportive community. Sessions will explore challenges, discuss tools and tips, and build data expertise. The Network will shape sessions and contribute to strengthening the VCSE sector's strategic role.

Data is an increasingly important for VCSE organisations and is part of almost everyone’s job these days. When we manage, analyse and use data better, we are able to target services more effectively, deliver them more efficiently, and influence key partners- such as local authorities and the NHS- to make sure services and support are funded appropriately.

The six-month project included 5 key elements: 


Mapping and review of data and intelligence platforms/systems and tools


Data maturity assessment for the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester


Detailed data maturity assessments for a cohort of organisations supporting people experiencing severe and multiple deprivation


Case studies of organisations at more advanced stages of data maturity


Development and consultation on ideas for potential projects to explore innovative approaches to advancing data and intelligence in the sector

10GM and Data Orchard CIC offered all VCSE organisations In Greater Manchester a free Data Maturity Assessment report to help them understand their organisation's current approach to data and intelligence, as well as lots of hints and tips on getting better with data. Organisations that took part in the assessment used a data maturity assessment tool which has been used to benchmark hundreds of not-for-profit sector organisations. Around 300 people were involved in the project, taking part in one or more of the four workshops, the data maturity assessment, and/or one-to-one interviews.

Case Studies

Three case studies representing different contexts and advanced use of data were produced through this research highlighting good practice and successful organisational data journeys:

LGBT Foundation

Developing a Single Source of Truth

Manchester Care & Repair 

A Digital & Data Journey


Advocating the Open Use of Data


The learnings, reflections and recommendations of the Data and Intelligence Project were launched at an online learning event on 13 March 2024 – Understanding VCSE Data & Intelligence to Improve Health Equity in Greater Manchester.

Download the final evaluation report, including ten potential investable project ideas that have been developed in response to the research project and recommendations, and a recording of our launch event.

Got questions?

To find out more about this work, or to request a presentation or workshop on this project at relevant meetings, events, and networks, please contact [email protected]. We will keep updating this page with the latest developments.

Current Population Health work
Two people sat talking in a garden

Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise and Primary Care Network Partnerships

As part of our Population Health work, 10GM has funded 5 partnerships to become test and learn sites to explore how the VCSE sector and GPs can build lasting relationships that help them work together to tackle health inequality.  

Man and daughter reading a book

Fairer Health For All 

10GM is working with GM Integrated Care Partnership to implement the Fairer Health For All Framework.

Page last reviewed: 24 June 2024.

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